5 Letter Words that Start with V

5 Letter Words that Start with V

Learning vocabulary is a crucial task but this post will make it easy. Are you planning to find 5 letter words in English that start with ‘V’? You are at the right destination. Because this article has carefully compiled a comprehensive list of 5-letter nouns, adjectives, and verbs beginning with the letter ‘V’. Just check them out and improve your vocabulary. So, let’s move towards the post.

5 Letter Words that Start with V
5 Letter Words that Start with V

5 Letter Words Starting with Letter ‘U’:

The data below shows 5 letter words that start with U and include nouns, adjectives, and verbs in English:

  1. Veins
  2. Vague
  3. Valet
  4. Valid
  5. Valor
  6. Value
  7. Valve
  8. Vapor
  9. Vases
  10. Vault
  11. Vedic
  12. Vegan
  13. Veins
  14. Venom
  15. Vents
  16. Venue
  17. Venus
  18. Verbs
  19. Verge
  20. Verse

5 Letter Nouns Starting with ‘V’:

Value Verse
Valor Verbs
Valve Venue
Vapor Venom
Vault Veins

Five Letter Verbs Starting with ‘V’:

Value Verify
Vents Verge
Views Vents
Vault Vends
Visit Valet

5 Letter Adjectives Starting with ‘V’:

Vague Vapid
Valid Vinal
Vegan Vexed
Vedic Vivid
Viral Vital

Frequently Asked Questions on 5 Letter Words Starting with ‘V’:

Q1: What are some nouns that start with v?

  1. Value
  2. Valor
  3. Veins
  4. Verbs
  5. Venom
  6. Valve
  7. Vault
  8. Venue
  9. Verse
  10. Vapor

Q2: What are some adjectives that start with V?

  1. Valid
  2. Vivid
  3. Vapid
  4. Vault
  5. Vague
  6. Vegan
  7. Vedic
  8. Viral
  9. Vexed
  10. Vinal

Q3: What are some verbs starting with V?

  1. Value
  2. Vents
  4. Vault
  5. Verify
  6. Visit
  7. Verge
  8. Vends
  9. Valet
  10. Vexed

Q4: What is vocabulari?

Ans: Vocabulari is another spelling for vocabulary. Although this is not correct still it is used for search by different users living in different areas of the world.

Q5: What is academic vocabulary?

Ans: Academic vocabulary is a collection of words that is used in formal settings and is not used in informal contexts. For example, the vocabulary used in textbooks, research articles, and other academic texts is called academic vocabulary.

This article gave a comprehensive list of some commonly used five-letter words in English that start with the letter ‘U’. These words have been divided into three categories: nouns, verbs (action words), and adjectives (describing words). Because we have carefully selected all these words which is why these words will help you to improve your vocabulary of the English language. So, visit our site for all kinds of grammar lessons to take your grammar skills to an extended level.

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