Adjectives that start with an G

65 Adjectives that Start with G

This post includes 65 adjectives that start with g. An adjective is a part of speech that qualifies as a noun or pronoun. It explains something more about the noun or a pronoun. Adjectives are the content words in English grammar. Content words add to the language with time and act as open-class words.

Let’s have a look at 65 Adjectives that start with G:

Adjectives that start with G
Adjectives that start with G

Positive Adjectives that Start with an G:




1 Gainful Providing a gain or profit
2 Gamesome Active, up for anything
3 Garnished Ornately decorated
4 Gifted Possessing talents
5 Gilded Finely decorated, often in gold
6 Glamorous Physically beautiful or alluring
7 Glitzy Attractive and fancy
8 Glorious Something worthy of praise
9 Gobsmacked Pleasantly surprised
10 Golden Valuable or advantageous
11 Goodhearted Kind to others
12 Gorgeous Physically appealing or attractive
13 Graceful Having ease and beauty of movement
14 Gratifying Providing pleasure or reward
15 Groomed Neat and clean
16 Groovy Very good and cool
17 Groundbreaking New and exciting
18 Grounded Humble and appreciative
19 Guaranteed Promised and certain
20 Gumptious Having gumption or eagerness

Negative Adjectives that Start with a G:




1 Galling Very annoying or upsetting
2 Garish Tasteless, too ornamental
3 Garrulous Excessively talkative
4 Gauche Awkward or unwelcome
5 Gaudy Unattractive and cheap
6 Gawky Physically awkward
7 Ghastly Frightful and bad
8 Gloomy Sad and dark
9 Gluttonous Unattractively greedy, prone to overeating
10 Godforsaken Miserably remote and distant
11 Gossipy Constantly talking about others
12 Grandiloquent Using large words to show off
13 Grandiose Showing off; overly magnificent
14 Grating Harsh and unpleasant
15 Gratuitous More than required
16 Grave Deadly serious
17 Greedy Wanting to an unreasonable degree
18 Groggy Sluggish and dull
19 Gross Crude or vulgar
20 Grotesque Horrifying in appearance
21 Grueling Harshly challenging or exhausting
22 Gruesome Containing blood or violence
23 Gruff Speaking harshly
24 Gutless Cowardly, not brave
25 Gut-wrenching Desperately sad or painful

Adjectives to Describe a Person:




1 Gallant Characterized by bravery and chivalry
2 Geeky Smart but socially awkward
3 Genial Friendly to everyone
4 Genteel Polite and refined
5 Gentle Mild in temperament
6 Gentlemanly Respectful and thoughtful toward others
7 Genuine Authentic or real
8 Giddy Blissfully happy
9 Giving Generous and kind
10 Glad Having a cheerful demeanor
11 Gleeful Merry and joyful
12 Glum Depressed and sad
13 Goofy Amusingly silly
14 Gracious Thoughtful and aware of others
15 Grateful Appreciative of an action
16 Gregarious Sociable, happy in groups
17 Guarded Cautious toward others
18 Guileless Without deception
19 Gullible Easily fooled
20 Gutsy Brave and daring

Final Words

An adjective is a word that adds to the meaning of nouns or pronouns. It is a category of parts of speech in English grammar and belongs to the open class of words.

This post gave a comprehensive list of adjectives starting with ‘G’. It also provided the definitions and examples of attributive and predictive adjectives and mentioned some frequently asked questions related to adjectives.

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