Adjectives that start with I

75 Adjectives that Start with I

This article gives 75 adjectives that start with I. An adjective is a word that adds to the meaning of a noun or pronoun. It is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun or describes a noun or pronoun. Examples of Adjectives include red, tall, handsome, unique, much, important, and so on.

Let’s have a look at 75 adjectives that start with I:

No. Adjectives Meaning
1 Iconoclastic Attacking beliefs or hierarchies; nonconformist
2 Illusive Dreamlike; not based in reality
3 Impermeable Does not allow liquid to pass through; insusceptible
4 Improbable Not likely to happen
5 Immune Protected or exempt; resistant to infection
6 Inadvertent Not happening through planning
7 Inanimate Not alive; lifeless
8 Inclined Leaning away from horizontal or vertical; having a preference
9 Inconceivable Not capable of being grasped
10 Inconspicuous Not easily noticed or visible
11 Indicative Suggestive; serving as a sign
12 Indigenous Native to a particular place
13 Indigo Dark blue in color
14 Intended Planned or meant on purpose
15 Intensive Thorough; concentrated on a specific area
16 Intrinsic Essential; inherent
17 Inside Interior; inner
18 Instant Happening immediately
19 Integral Necessary; essential
20 Intense Possessing extreme force or fierce strength
21 Intricate Containing a lot of complex parts
22 Introverted Having a personality that is shy or more preoccupied with oneself
23 Invincible Unconquerable; indestructible
24 Ironic Occurring in a way that is the opposite of what was expected
25 Irrevocable Irreversible; not able to change
26 Itty-bitty Tiny

Positive Adjectives that Start with I:

Positive adjectives that start with I
Positive adjectives that start with I




1 Idiosyncratic Distinctive; particular; individual
2 Idyllic Peaceful, tranquil, or pretty
3 Illustrious Well-known and respected
4 Imaginative Having or showing creativeness or resourcefulness
5 Immaculate Spotless; no stains
6 Impactful Having a significant or powerful effect
7 Impeccable The highest standards of propriety; flawless
8 Important Having great significance or consequence
9 Impressive Leaving a feeling of awe or admiration
10 Incomparable Having no common basis for comparison
11 Incredible Impossible to believe
12 Indefatigable Having tireless persistence
13 Industrious Hard-working
14 Ineffable Too great for words
15 Infallible Incapable of mistakes or errors
16 Ingenious Clever, talented, possessed of genius
17 Inimitable Impossible to copy or imitate
18 Innocent Free from sin
19 Insightful Showing a deep understanding
20 Inspiring Encouraging someone
21 Intelligent Clever; a high level of intelligence
22 Interesting Arousing curiosity or interest
23 Intrepid Unafraid; fearless
24 Intriguing Arousing curiosity or interest
25 Intoxicating Causing great happiness
26 Invigorating Filling one with energy or strength

Adjectives that Start with the Letter I:

No. Adjectives Meaning
1 Ichorous Relating to any acrid, watery fluid
2 Ichthyic Fishlike
3 Idiomatic Related to a particular language or dialect; having a distinct style
4 Idiopathic Occurring spontaneously or without known cause, typically of a disease
5 Igneous Of or relating to fire; (in geology) produced under processes involving intense heat
6 Illaudable Unworthy of praise
7 Imbricate Overlapping in sequence; resembling overlapping tiles
8 Impecunious Having little money
9 Impromptu Without planning or forethought
10 Imprudent Unwise; without thought of consequences
11 Impudent Disrespectful or offensively bold
12 Impugnable Open to question or debate
13 Inauspicious Unfavorable, not of good omen
14 Inceptive Related to the beginning of something
15 Incredulous Of a person unable or unwilling to believe
16 Incognito Having your identity concealed
17 Incorrigible Beyond correction; firmly fixed; not easily changed
18 Incumbent Necessary as an obligation or duty
19 Infinitesimal Extremely small
20 Inflammable Easily set on fire
21 Innoxious Harmless
22 Invertebrate Without a backbone; having no strength of character
23 Iridescent Shining with numerous colors like a rainbow
24 Ironclad Protected in iron; impossible to change or contradict
25 Itinerant Traveling from place to place
26 Ichorous Relating to any acrid, watery fluid

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: What is a distributive adjective?

Ans: A distributive adjective is a type of adjective that denotes the group members individually. For instance, the word ‘each’ is a distributive adjective in the sentence:

‘Each person got their lunch’.

The word ‘every’ is a distributive adjective in the sentence:

He gave a bone to every dog at the park.

The most commonly used distributive adjectives are:

  • each
  • every
  • either
  • neither
  • any
  • both

Q2: What are compound adjectives?

Ans: Compound adjectives are formed when combining two or more adjectives to modify the same noun. These words should be hyphenated to avoid any confusion or ambiguity.

For example:

  1. Diana submitted a 10-page document.
  2. She adopted a three-year-old cat.

In the above sentences, the underlined words are compound adjectives.

The Final Words:

Adjectives are the words that add meaning to the nouns or pronouns. Adjectives have various types. These are adjectives of quality, quantity, number, distributive adjectives, compound adjectives, and so on. This post gives an account of 75 adjectives that start with I.

For the video lecture on Adjectives meaning in Hindi/Urdu, click on the link given below:

Adjective Meaning in Hindi

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