Adjectives that Start with D

90 Adjectives that Start with D

This post includes 90 adjectives that start with d. An adjective is a part of speech that qualifies as a noun or pronoun. It explains something more about the noun or a pronoun. Adjectives are the content words in English grammar. Content words add to the language over time and act as open-class words.

Adjectives that Start with D
Adjectives that Start with D

Adjective of quality:

Adjectives of quality refer to the kind, degree, or quality of something. They are also known as descriptive adjectives. An adjective of quality gives more information about the quality, state, or action of a noun or a pronoun. To know about an adjective of quality, we ask the question ‘of what kind’ to a noun or a pronoun.

Adjective of quality Examples:

He is a clever child.
You are a nice guy.
China is a developed country.

Adjective of quantity:

Adjectives of quantity refer to how many or how much of something. The adjective of quantity is used with nouns. To get the adjective of quantity, we ask how much? to a noun or pronoun. These adjectives telling the quantity inform us about the amount of nouns but they do not tell us the exact number. When the exact number is not needed, the adjective of quantity is used.

Examples of Adjective of quantity:

I got some notebooks.
They drank enough water.
He gave all his belongings.
He has no qualifications.
We have no faith in him.

Adjective of Number:

The adjective of number tells about the exact quantity of a noun. To get the adjective of number, we ask, “How many?”

Adjective of Number Examples:

1. I have 5 students.
2. They have four apples.
3. I have three pencils.
4. They have twenty cupboards.
5. She has 1 chair.

Let’s have a look at 90 adjectives that start with D:

Positive Adjectives that start with the letter D:

Positive Adjectives that Start with D
Positive Adjectives that Start with D




1 Dapper Tidy and stylish
2 Dashing Ruggedly handsome
3 Dazzling Brilliantly attractive
4 Dear Something beloved
5 Debonair Effortlessly charming
6 Decent Appropriate or good
7 Deft Very skilled
8 Deific Godlike
9 Delectable Utterly enjoyable, especially food
10 Delicious Pleasing to the taste
11 Delightful Lovely and enjoyable
12 Deluxe The highest quality
13 Depurated Cleansed of impurities
14 Deserving Worthy of praise and respect
15 Desirable Worth wanting or having
16 Devil-may-care Charming, without worries
17 Dignified Expressing dignity
18 Diligent Working with careful effort
19 Diplomatic Easily solves problems without hurting others
20 Disarming Using charm to keep the peace
21 Discerning Having excellent, choosy taste
22 Dishy Beautiful in a flashy way
23 Distinguished Important and accomplished
24 Divine Utterly perfect
25 Dollish As cute as a doll
26 Dominant Taking control
27 Dovish Peacekeeping
28 Dreamy Pleasantly calm
29 Dutiful Acting from a sense of duty
30 Dynamic Full of energy

Negative Adjectives that Start with D:

31 Damaging Causing injury or harm
32 Dangerous Having hazard or risk
33 Dastardly Backstabbing and cruel
34 Defamatory Harmful to one’s reputation
35 Deleterious Causing damage
36 Demoralizing Emotionally undermining
37 Deplorable Shockingly bad
38 Depraved Morally corrupt
39 Despairing Having no hope left
40 Desperate In great need
41 Despondent Miserably depressed
42 Destructive Bringing massive damage
43 Detrimental Causing damage or harm
44 Devastating Overwhelmingly terrible
45 Diabolical Wickedly bad
46 Difficult Complicated, hard to understand
47 Dire Urgent, bringing terrible consequences
48 Disappointing An unsatisfactory event or result
49 Discomfiting Causing uneasiness
50 Disconcerting Causing confusion or frustration
51 Disconsolate Completely cheerless
52 Discouraging Depriving someone of confidence
53 Disenchanted No longer feeling pleased or charmed by something
54 Disgraceful Bringing shame
55 Disillusioned Losing ideals and beliefs
56 Dismaying Upsetting and frustrating
57 Disrespectful Failing to show respect
58 Distressed In a state of anxiety or discomfort
59 Distasteful Unpleasant, not wanted
60 Dowdy Not attractive or fashionable

Descriptive Adjectives that Start with D:

61 Daft Unaware of something obvious
62 Deadpan Without humor or expression
63 Decisive Capable of making quick decisions
64 Decorous Showing decorum and good taste
65 Defensive An attitude or position of defense
66 Deliberate Thinking carefully before taking action
67 Deluded Having beliefs not based on reality
68 Demure Reserved and modest
69 Dense Not perceptive or intelligent
70 Desultory Wandering from one thing to the next
71 Determined Making one’s mind up
72 Devious Sneaky and dishonest
73 Devout Showing devotion, particularly in religion
74 Diametric Directly opposed to
75 Didactic Instructive, teacher-like
76 Dilatory Prone to procrastination
77 Disaffected Resentful of authority
78 Disagreeable Constantly irritable and arguing
79 Disciplined Well-managed
80 Discreet Careful about what one says
81 Discursive Overly wordy or talkative
82 Disingenuous Slyly deceptive
83 Doleful Miserably unhappy
84 Dolorous In terrible pain or distress
85 Doltish Behaving in a foolish way
86 Dramatic Having high emotion and expression
87 Driven Highly motivated and eager to work hard
88 Droll Wryly amusing
89 Duplicitous Marked by treachery or deceit
90 Dyspeptic Consistently angry or rude

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: What is a distributive adjective?

Ans: A distributive adjective is a type of adjective that denotes the group members individually. For instance, the word ‘each’ is a distributive adjective in the sentence:

Each person got their lunch’.

The word ‘every’ is a distributive adjective in the sentence:

He gave a bone to every dog at the park.

The most commonly used distributive adjectives are:

  • each
  • every
  • either
  • neither
  • any
  • both

Q2: What are compound adjectives?

Ans: Compound adjectives are formed when combining two or more adjectives to modify the same noun. These words should be hyphenated to avoid any confusion or ambiguity.

For example:

  1. Diana submitted a 10-page document.
  2. She adopted a three-year-old cat.

In the above sentences, the underlined words are compound adjectives.

The Final Words:

Adjectives are the words that add meaning to the nouns or pronouns. Adjectives have various types. These are adjectives of quality, quantity, number, distributive adjectives, compound adjectives, and so on. This post shows a comprehensive list of 90 adjectives that start with D.

For the video lecture on Adjectives meaning in Hindi/Urdu, click on the link given below:

Adjective Meaning in Hindi

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