Adjectives that start with l

Adjectives that Start with L

An adjective is a part of speech that describes something more about a noun or pronoun. It gives additional information about a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives are the content words in English grammar and this post includes a detailed list of Adjectives that Start with L and positive adjectives that start with L. Content words add to the language with time and act as open-class words. They act as free lexical morphemes in the field of linguistics.

Let’s have a look at some adjectives that start with ‘L’:

Adjectives that start with l
Adjectives that start with l

Adjectives with L:

Low Leafy Labeled Laudable
Lit Laced Lacelike Likable
Lazy Labial Lacking Limbless
Live Laden Languid Limited
Last Lactic Laconic Linguistic
Less Large Lapsed Lifeless
Lean Legal Ladylike Lifelike
Late Least Languid Lifelong
Lacy Lethal Likely Lecherous
Lame Lesser Linear Legendary
Last Larger Lined Leakproof
Left Liable Leafless Lacklustre
Less Latter Leaflike Labyrinthian
Lost Largest Lethargic Labyrinthine
Long Latest Laborious Legitimate
Lone Latent Lacerated Languishing
Loud Lateral Lachrymal Labor-intensive
Lush Lavish Labored Lachrymose
Lucky Liberal Laboring Lamentable
Loyal Lexical Learned Lamentable
Lofty Legible Leased Large-scale
Local Leaking Layered Languishing
Lilac Legend Laryngeal Laughable
Light Lengthy Lascivious Left-handed
Little Lashing Lavender Left-wing
Linked Lenient Legislative Leftover
Literal Lawful Large-scale Left-handed
Lifted Laminal Limitless Like-minded
Lively Lawless Lingering Literate
Liquid Lasting Lingual Literary

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: What are some adjectives starting with ‘L’?

Ans: Some adjectives with ‘L’ are as follows:

  1. Livid
  2. Living
  3. Locked
  4. Loaded
  5. Logical
  6. Lobular
  7. Located
  8. Logistic
  9. Localized
  10. Locatable

Q2: What positive adjectives start with the letter ‘L’?

Ans: These adjectives are as follows:

  1. Live
  2. Loyal
  3. Lucky
  4. Lively
  5. Loved
  6. Lovely
  7. Loving
  8. Literate
  9. Lenient
  10. Loveable

Q3: What negative adjectives start with the letter ‘L’?

  1. Low
  2. Lazy
  3. Lost
  4. Lone
  5. Last
  6. Late
  7. Lifeless
  8. Limbless
  9. Leftover
  10. Limitless

Final Words:

This post includes 120 adjectives that start with L in English. For more lessons on English grammar,  visit our website by clicking the link given below:


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