English Grammar Course
The category English Grammar Course includes content and posts related to English grammar, English grammar pdf, and English grammar syllabus. It includes posts on all parts of speech in English. There are nine parts of speech in English grammar: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, and determiners. It also includes high school English grammar and composition and the best English grammar book. The category is about class 3 English grammar and 5th class English grammar.
The category deals with class 5 English grammar, basic English grammar pdf, and English grammar book pdf. It gives content related to 6th-class English grammar, class 2 English grammar, class 6 English grammar, and English grammar chart. This category includes lectures on tenses, sentence structure, and sentence types. It gives an overview of the types of sentences according to structure and function. There are 4 types of sentences according to structure. These 4 types are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. There are 5 types of sentences according to function. These types are declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences, exclamatory sentences, and optative sentences.
English Grammar Course is the category about the concepts of phrases and clauses. There are different types of phrases and clauses and these are part of this category. It includes posts about learn English pdf, English learning books pdf, and learn English step by step for beginners pdf. The category includes posts about flowers name in English, vegetables name in Hindi and English, and English worksheet for class 2.
The fruits name in Hindi and English are also part of this category in English grammar.
his post explains in detail the concept of Future Continuous Tense in Hindi along with future continuous tense examples in Hindi. What is Future Continuous Tense? The future continuous tense, sometimes also referred to as the future progressive tense, is a verb tense that indicates that something will occur in the future and continue for […]
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This post gives a detailed explanation of Future Indefinite Tense along with the definition and examples of future indefinite tense in Hindi. What is Future Indefinite Tense? This tense is used to express an action that has not yet occurred and will take place in the future. It is also called Future Simple Tense. Timeline
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This post gives a detailed description of the difference between present perfect tense or simple past tense. Present Perfect Tense: When we are thinking about the past and present together. Past Simple Tense: When we are not thinking about the present Examples We have studied enough to pass the exam (the exam is still to come) My
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This post includes a detailed explanation of Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi and past perfect continuous tense examples in Hindi. In this blog post, you will learn the following: Let’s have a look at Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi: भूतकाल पूर्ण सतत काल (जिसे भूतकाल पूर्ण प्रगतिशील काल भी कहा जाता है) दर्शाता
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In this blog, you will learn Formation of Adjectives to make Adjectives from Nouns and Verbs. (Both Regular and Irregular ways). Adjectives are the words that modify the meanings of nouns and pronouns. Let’s have a look at the Formation of Adjectives from Nouns: Adjectives Formed from Nouns (Regular): By Adding Nouns Adjectives -Al Topic
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This post includes a detailed explanation of Past Perfect Tense in Hindi and past perfect tense examples in Hindi. What is Past Perfect Tense? The past perfect is a verb tense used to talk about actions that were completed before some point in the past. Let’s have a look at the definition of Past Perfect Tense
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This post includes a detailed explanation of Past Continuous Tense in Hindi and it also gives past continuous tense examples in Hindi. What is Past Continuous/Progressive Tense? It shows that at some time in the past, we are in the middle of an action. Example I was eating melon in the morning. (I was in
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This post includes a detailed explanation of Past Indefinite Tense in Hindi along with past indefinite tense examples in Hindi. भूतकाल अनिश्चित काल, जिसे साधारण भूतकाल के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, का उपयोग किसी समाप्त या पूर्ण क्रिया/कार्य को इंगित करने के लिए किया जाता है जो अतीत में किसी विशिष्ट समय पर
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This post includes a detailed explanation of Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi and present perfect continuous tense examples in Hindi. We have been waiting here for two days. She has been living here since 2012. In the above examples “have been waiting” and “has been living” refer to the present perfect continuous tense. Let’s
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This post includes a comprehensive explanation of Present Perfect Tense in Hindi along with present perfect tense examples in Hindi. The present perfect tells us about the past and present. “The aircraft has landed.” The aircraft has landed means that the aircraft is on the ground. Let’s have a look at Present Perfect Tense in Hindi:
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