
Exercise - 53

Question: 1 Alice: I think the play is just on the ....... of starting.

Correct Answer : 1 [point]

Notes: Alice: I think the play is just on the point of starting.

Question: 2 Mary: I do hope so. I'm very ....... of the main actor.

Correct Answer : 2 [fond]

Notes: Mary: I do hope so. I'm very fond of the main actor.

Question: 3 Alice: Me too. Just listen to the ....... of his voice now.

Correct Answer : 3 [sound]

Notes: Alice: Me too. Just listen to the sound of his voice now.

Question: 4 Mary: The trouble is I always ....... his name.

Correct Answer : 4 [forget]

Notes: Mary: The trouble is I always forget his name.

Question: 5 Alice: I think his first name is Michael but I can't remember the ........

Correct Answer : 5 [surname]

Notes: Alice: I think his first name is Michael but I can't remember the surname.

Question: 6 Mary: I've got it. ....... it's Dobson. Yes, that's it — Michael Dobson.

Correct Answer : 6 [Surely]

Notes: Mary: I've got it. Surely it's Dobson. Yes, that's it — Michael Dobson.

Question: 7 Alice: Yes, you're ....... right. I've seen him on tv loads of times.

Correct Answer : 7 [dead]

Notes: Alice: Yes, you're dead right. I've seen him on tv loads of times.

Question: 8 Mary: Yes, Michael Dobson he was in that new ....... as the detective.

Correct Answer : 8 [thriller]

Notes: Mary: Yes, Michael Dobson he was in that new thriller as the detective.

Question: 9 Alice: He was really good in that. Oh look, he's suddenly stopped and started ........

Correct Answer : 9 [glaring]

Notes: Alice: He was really good in that. Oh look, he's suddenly stopped and started glaring.

Question: 10 Michael Dobson: I'm very ......., ladies you know who I am. Now can you stop talking so that we can get on with the play?

Correct Answer : 10 [glad]

Notes: Michael Dobson: I'm very glad, ladies you know who I am. Now can you stop talking so that we can get on with the play?

Question: 1 He's one of those people who can't bear being seen to be wrong in fact of losing ........

Correct Answer : 1 [face]

Notes: He's one of those people who can't bear being seen to be wrong in fact of losing face.

Question: 2 We haven't made any progress this year and are in a sense going backwards and losing ........

Correct Answer : 2 [ground]

Notes: We haven't made any progress this year and are in a sense going backwards and losing ground.

Question: 3 Please don't lose ....... because I'm sure you'll succeed in the end.

Correct Answer : 3 [heart]

Notes: Please don't lose heart because I'm sure you'll succeed in the end.

Question: 4 The important key to success in this business is strong management because if you lose your ......., then you're in real trouble.

Correct Answer : 4 [grip]

Notes: The important key to success in this business is strong management because if you lose your grip, then you're in real trouble.

Question: 5 She panicked when she skidded on the ice, lost her ....... and crashed into the tree.

Correct Answer : 5 [head]

Notes: She panicked when she skidded on the ice, lost her head and crashed into the tree.

Question: 6 Yes, it's a slight problem but quite honestly I wouldn't lose any ....... over it if I were you.

Correct Answer : 6 [sleep]

Notes: Yes, it's a slight problem but quite honestly I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if I were you.

Question: 7 I followed as much as I could of his arguments but then I gave up because I'd completely lost ....... of what he was saying.

Correct Answer : 7 [track]

Notes: I followed as much as I could of his arguments but then I gave up because I'd completely lost track of what he was saying.

Question: 8 After he'd wasted all his money, got into debt and then ended up in prison, his family began to regard him as a bit of a lost ........

Correct Answer : 8 [cause]

Notes: After he'd wasted all his money, got into debt and then ended up in prison, his family began to regard him as a bit of a lost cause.

Question: 9 To be frank I find these philosophical discussions too deep for me and many of the points are lost ....... me.

Correct Answer : 9 [on]

Notes: To be frank I find these philosophical discussions too deep for me and many of the points are lost on me.

Question: 10 Putting all your money in that enterprise is futile it's like playing a losing ........

Correct Answer : 10 [game]

Notes: Putting all your money in that enterprise is futile it's like playing a losing game.

Question: 1 She suddenly stopped speaking to him on the phone and the conversation came to an ....... end.

Correct Answer : 1 [abrupt]

Notes: She suddenly stopped speaking to him on the phone and the conversation came to an abrupt end.

Question: 2 Some of Shakespeare's historical plays are rather long and so there are editions where they are ....... to make them shorter.

Correct Answer : 2 [abridged]

Notes: Some of Shakespeare's historical plays are rather long and so there are editions where they are abridged to make them shorter.

Question: 3 Although all the athletes were full of life at the start of the marathon, towards the end of the race a few were showing signs of tiredness and were clearly ........

Correct Answer : 3 [flagging]

Notes: Although all the athletes were full of life at the start of the marathon, towards the end of the race a few were showing signs of tiredness and were clearly flagging.

Question: 4 Fortunately she took no notice of the reviews of her acting and was quite ....... to some of the more sarcastic comments.

Correct Answer : 4 [impervious]

Notes: Fortunately she took no notice of the reviews of her acting and was quite impervious to some of the more sarcastic comments.

Question: 5 The secret of a good interview is to get straight to the point and ask ....... questions.

Correct Answer : 5 [incisive]

Notes: The secret of a good interview is to get straight to the point and ask incisive questions.

Question: 6 Although her boss knew that she was not telling the truth, her explanations for being late were always so reasonable and totally ....... that he believed her.

Correct Answer : 6 [plausible]

Notes: Although her boss knew that she was not telling the truth, her explanations for being late were always so reasonable and totally plausible that he believed her.

Question: 7 As soon as he had invested the money, he became uneasy and was beginning to sense ....... about his investment.

Correct Answer : 7 [qualms]

Notes: As soon as he had invested the money, he became uneasy and was beginning to sense qualms about his investment.

Question: 8 Many of the safety instructions on things you buy often seem unnecessary and often quite ....... to the average person.

Correct Answer : 8 [superfluous]

Notes: Many of the safety instructions on things you buy often seem unnecessary and often quite superfluous to the average person.

Question: 9 He found himself at the edge of the cliff in a ....... position because one wrong step and he would fall into the sea.

Correct Answer : 9 [precarious]

Notes: He found himself at the edge of the cliff in a precarious position because one wrong step and he would fall into the sea.

Question: 10 Everything about the village was what you'd call ....... because all the houses were well looked after and reminded you of a time long since gone.

Correct Answer : 10 [quaint]

Notes: Everything about the village was what you'd call quaint because all the houses were well looked after and reminded you of a time long since gone.