Exercise - 73
Question: 1 ....... countries have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea?
Correct Answer : 1 [Which]
Notes: Which countries have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea?
Question: 2 ....... is measured by the Richter Scale?
Correct Answer : 2 [What]
Notes: What is measured by the Richter Scale?
Question: 3 ....... does the word "alphabet" come from?
Correct Answer : 3 [Where]
Notes: Where does the word "alphabet" come from?
Question: 4 ....... was the first man in space?
Correct Answer : 4 [Who]
Notes: Who was the first man in space?
Question: 5 ....... does NATO stand for?
Correct Answer : 5 [What]
Notes: What does NATO stand for?
Question: 6 ....... year did Prince Charles of England marry?
Correct Answer : 6 [What]
Notes: What year did Prince Charles of England marry?
Question: 7 ....... did William Jefferson Clinton become President of the United States?
Correct Answer : 7 [When]
Notes: When did William Jefferson Clinton become President of the United States?
Question: 8 ....... Caribbean island does Sir Vivian Richards come from?
Correct Answer : 8 [Which]
Notes: Which Caribbean island does Sir Vivian Richards come from?
Question: 9 ....... was the youngest person to be elected as President of the United States?
Correct Answer : 9 [Who]
Notes: Who was the youngest person to be elected as President of the United States?
Question: 10 ....... year did the first commercial aviation flight take place?
Correct Answer : 10 [What]
Notes: What year did the first commercial aviation flight take place?
Question: 1 I ....... come if I had had time.
Correct Answer : 1 [would have]
Notes: I would have come if I had had time.
Question: 2 This time tomorrow you ....... sitting in a deck chair on the beach.
Correct Answer : 2 [will be]
Notes: This time tomorrow you will be sitting in a deck chair on the beach.
Question: 3 Before you telephoned, I ....... watching television.
Correct Answer : 3 [was]
Notes: Before you telephoned, I was watching television.
Question: 4 After the storm ....... finished, many people were found lying in the street.
Correct Answer : 4 [had]
Notes: After the storm had finished, many people were found lying in the street.
Question: 5 Tomorrow we ....... taking the day off.
Correct Answer : 5 [are]
Notes: Tomorrow we are taking the day off.
Question: 6 Where did you ....... for your holiday in the end?
Correct Answer : 6 [go]
Notes: Where did you go for your holiday in the end?
Question: 7 I must admit you ....... tried but I'm afraid the answer is still no.
Correct Answer : 7 [have]
Notes: I must admit you have tried but I'm afraid the answer is still no.
Question: 8 Sometimes I wonder if I ....... ever succeed.
Correct Answer : 8 [shall]
Notes: Sometimes I wonder if I shall ever succeed.
Question: 9 How many times ....... you been there?
Correct Answer : 9 [have]
Notes: How many times have you been there?
Question: 10 She's ....... working there since she left school.
Correct Answer : 10 [been]
Notes: She's been working there since she left school.
Question: 1 Ingrained within the first amendment, freedom of the ....... declares and maintains that people can put ideas
down in writing and can communicate freely in the United States.
Correct Answer : 1 [press]
Notes: Ingrained within the first amendment, freedom of the press declares and maintains that people can put ideas down in writing and can communicate freely in the United States.
Question: 2 When a new law is recommended or proposed, a ....... is created. A decision about whether to pass it or not is
made afterwards.
Correct Answer : 2 [bill]
Notes: When a new law is recommended or proposed, a bill is created. A decision about whether to pass it or not is made afterwards.
Question: 3 After a bill is introduced and passed by Congress, it is given to the ....... who makes the final decision.
Correct Answer : 3 [president]
Notes: After a bill is introduced and passed by Congress, it is given to the president who makes the final decision.
Question: 4 The U.S. Congress is comprised of two divisions: the House of Representatives and the ........ Congress has
the responsibility and authority to analyze and pass bills as well as make laws.
Correct Answer : 4 [Senate]
Notes: The U.S. Congress is comprised of two divisions: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Congress has the responsibility and authority to analyze and pass bills as well as make laws.
Question: 5 In the end, however, a United States president maintains the authority to either accept or ....... a bill.
Correct Answer : 5 [veto]
Notes: In the end, however, a United States president maintains the authority to either accept or veto a bill.
Question: 6 If something happens that renders a US president incapable of fulfilling his duties, the ....... fills in.
Correct Answer : 6 [vice-president]
Notes: If something happens that renders a US president incapable of fulfilling his duties, the vice-president fills in.
Question: 7 The president has a number of responsibilities and one is to ....... ambassadors to foreign countries.
Correct Answer : 7 [appoint]
Notes: The president has a number of responsibilities and one is to appoint ambassadors to foreign countries.
Question: 8 Anyone who wants to run for the presidential office position must be a natural-born citizen of the United States
and a permanent ....... of America for a minimum of 14 years.
Correct Answer : 8 [resident]
Notes: Anyone who wants to run for the presidential office position must be a natural-born citizen of the United States and a permanent resident of America for a minimum of 14 years.
Question: 9 Within the US government, the division that manages trade and business affairs, both in America and abroad,
is the Department of ........
Correct Answer : 9 [Commerce]
Notes: Within the US government, the division that manages trade and business affairs, both in America and abroad, is the Department of Commerce.
Question: 10 Within the US government, the sector that manages the protection and sustainability of natural resources is
the department of the ........
Correct Answer : 10 [interior]
Notes: Within the US government, the sector that manages the protection and sustainability of natural resources is the department of the interior.
Question: 1 ....... countries have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea?
Correct Answer : 1 [Which]
Notes: Which countries have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea?
Question: 2 ....... is measured by the Richter Scale?
Correct Answer : 2 [What]
Notes: What is measured by the Richter Scale?
Question: 3 ....... does the word "alphabet" come from?
Correct Answer : 3 [Where]
Notes: Where does the word "alphabet" come from?
Question: 4 ....... was the first man in space?
Correct Answer : 4 [Who]
Notes: Who was the first man in space?
Question: 5 ....... does NATO stand for?
Correct Answer : 5 [What]
Notes: What does NATO stand for?
Question: 6 ....... year did Prince Charles of England marry?
Correct Answer : 6 [What]
Notes: What year did Prince Charles of England marry?
Question: 7 ....... did William Jefferson Clinton become President of the United States?
Correct Answer : 7 [When]
Notes: When did William Jefferson Clinton become President of the United States?
Question: 8 ....... Caribbean island does Sir Vivian Richards come from?
Correct Answer : 8 [Which]
Notes: Which Caribbean island does Sir Vivian Richards come from?
Question: 9 ....... was the youngest person to be elected as President of the United States?
Correct Answer : 9 [Who]
Notes: Who was the youngest person to be elected as President of the United States?
Question: 10 ....... year did the first commercial aviation flight take place?
Correct Answer : 10 [What]
Notes: What year did the first commercial aviation flight take place?
Question: 1 I ....... come if I had had time.
Correct Answer : 1 [would have]
Notes: I would have come if I had had time.
Question: 2 This time tomorrow you ....... sitting in a deck chair on the beach.
Correct Answer : 2 [will be]
Notes: This time tomorrow you will be sitting in a deck chair on the beach.
Question: 3 Before you telephoned, I ....... watching television.
Correct Answer : 3 [was]
Notes: Before you telephoned, I was watching television.
Question: 4 After the storm ....... finished, many people were found lying in the street.
Correct Answer : 4 [had]
Notes: After the storm had finished, many people were found lying in the street.
Question: 5 Tomorrow we ....... taking the day off.
Correct Answer : 5 [are]
Notes: Tomorrow we are taking the day off.
Question: 6 Where did you ....... for your holiday in the end?
Correct Answer : 6 [go]
Notes: Where did you go for your holiday in the end?
Question: 7 I must admit you ....... tried but I'm afraid the answer is still no.
Correct Answer : 7 [have]
Notes: I must admit you have tried but I'm afraid the answer is still no.
Question: 8 Sometimes I wonder if I ....... ever succeed.
Correct Answer : 8 [shall]
Notes: Sometimes I wonder if I shall ever succeed.
Question: 9 How many times ....... you been there?
Correct Answer : 9 [have]
Notes: How many times have you been there?
Question: 10 She's ....... working there since she left school.
Correct Answer : 10 [been]
Notes: She's been working there since she left school.
Question: 1 Ingrained within the first amendment, freedom of the ....... declares and maintains that people can put ideas down in writing and can communicate freely in the United States.
Correct Answer : 1 [press]
Notes: Ingrained within the first amendment, freedom of the press declares and maintains that people can put ideas down in writing and can communicate freely in the United States.
Question: 2 When a new law is recommended or proposed, a ....... is created. A decision about whether to pass it or not is made afterwards.
Correct Answer : 2 [bill]
Notes: When a new law is recommended or proposed, a bill is created. A decision about whether to pass it or not is made afterwards.
Question: 3 After a bill is introduced and passed by Congress, it is given to the ....... who makes the final decision.
Correct Answer : 3 [president]
Notes: After a bill is introduced and passed by Congress, it is given to the president who makes the final decision.
Question: 4 The U.S. Congress is comprised of two divisions: the House of Representatives and the ........ Congress has the responsibility and authority to analyze and pass bills as well as make laws.
Correct Answer : 4 [Senate]
Notes: The U.S. Congress is comprised of two divisions: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Congress has the responsibility and authority to analyze and pass bills as well as make laws.
Question: 5 In the end, however, a United States president maintains the authority to either accept or ....... a bill.
Correct Answer : 5 [veto]
Notes: In the end, however, a United States president maintains the authority to either accept or veto a bill.
Question: 6 If something happens that renders a US president incapable of fulfilling his duties, the ....... fills in.
Correct Answer : 6 [vice-president]
Notes: If something happens that renders a US president incapable of fulfilling his duties, the vice-president fills in.
Question: 7 The president has a number of responsibilities and one is to ....... ambassadors to foreign countries.
Correct Answer : 7 [appoint]
Notes: The president has a number of responsibilities and one is to appoint ambassadors to foreign countries.
Question: 8 Anyone who wants to run for the presidential office position must be a natural-born citizen of the United States and a permanent ....... of America for a minimum of 14 years.
Correct Answer : 8 [resident]
Notes: Anyone who wants to run for the presidential office position must be a natural-born citizen of the United States and a permanent resident of America for a minimum of 14 years.
Question: 9 Within the US government, the division that manages trade and business affairs, both in America and abroad, is the Department of ........
Correct Answer : 9 [Commerce]
Notes: Within the US government, the division that manages trade and business affairs, both in America and abroad, is the Department of Commerce.
Question: 10 Within the US government, the sector that manages the protection and sustainability of natural resources is the department of the ........
Correct Answer : 10 [interior]
Notes: Within the US government, the sector that manages the protection and sustainability of natural resources is the department of the interior.