Corruption is the Root Cause of all Evils (Full CSS Essay)

This post includes an FPSC CSS Pakistan Essay on the topic “Corruption is the Root Cause of all Evils” to help in the CSS Exam.

Let’s have a look at an FPSC CSS Pakistan Essay:



1. Corruption is the mother of all evils

2. Corruption: A method to bypass the rule of law

3. Thesis Statement

The Main Cause of Corruption

How Corruption is the Root Cause of All Evils

1. Promotes unemployment

I. Negation of meritocracy

2. Causes lack of accountability and transparency

I. Culture of favoritism and nepotism

3. Enhances lawlessness

I. Gap between rich and poor

4. Increases the rate of crime

I. Bribe to police and judicial institutions

5. Deteriorated economic growth and development

I. Corrupt institutions and disloyal leadership

Pragmatic Solutions to Minimize Corruption

1. Ethical counseling through education

I. Religious and ethical values

2. Emancipating accountability and transparency

I. Eradication of nepotism and favoritism

3. Ensuring a meritocracy system

I. Implementation of the rule of law

4. Visionary leadership

I. Practicable strategies by a loyal leader



‘Corruption is the mother of all evils’ is a metaphorical expression representing corruption as the root cause of all social conundrums in a country. The current President of Pakistan, Arif Alvi, in an interview, highlighted the severity of corruption by describing it as the main reason for all evils in society around the world. In plain words, corruption is a method and a technique adopted just to bypass the rule of rule and engulf the whole system into socio-economic turmoil. In the modern era, corruption has taken various forms like bribery, theft, fraud, scam, nepotism, money laundering, and networking.

The giant of corruption negates meritocracy, transparency, and accountability. In the absence of meritocracy, unemployment rises and talented people are deprived of their rights. In the absence of transparency and accountability, lawlessness increases causing a rise in crime rates. Such evils lead to deteriorated economic growth and consequently, the country becomes a failure. (Thesis Statement) Thus the menace of corruption causes several social evils in the form of unemployment, unaccountability, lawlessness, crimes, and absence of the rule of law leading a country toward destruction and can be eradicated with moral education, strict accountability, implementation of law, and visionary leadership.


Corruption is the mother of all evils is a metaphorical expression comparing corruption with the mother. Mother is the one who becomes a source of bringing new generations into the world, similarly, corruption breeds new social problems in a state causing the decline of a country. The current President of Pakistan, Arif Alvi, in his interview, gave a reference to the Philippines where corruption is considered the root cause of all evils and their famous slogan is: ‘Corruption is the mother of all evils.

Cory Booker presented a historical overview of the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union and highlighted the disastrous role of corruption in the failure of a nation. In simple words, corruption is a method and a technique adopted just to bypass the rule of law and engulf the whole system into socio-economic turmoil. It is also defined as “dishonest and unethical behaviors shown by people in high positions for their benefit.” In the modern era, corruption has taken various forms like bribery, theft, fraud, scam, nepotism, money laundering, and networking.

The Main Cause of Corruption

All forms of corruption are outcomes of the human mind and intelligence. The lust for money, power, and knowledge has made man develop and learn unethical and illegal ways to satisfy this lust. Corruption always starts in our homes, from ourselves, which then gets transferred to society in different toxic ways. As a result, our political, judicial, and educational systems, and all other private institutions become stained with the spot of corruption.

Corruption becomes the cause of multifarious conundrums and the coming discourse will discuss these in detail.

How corruption is the root cause of all evils

To begin with, the tumor of corruption increases unemployment in a country. When there is corruption in a society, people get jobs through recommendations, bribery, or political influences which causes the negation of meritocracy in society. In the absence of meritocracy, talented people are deprived of their rights, and jobs or employment opportunities become limited to a particular group of people having power or money leaving the majority of people unemployed. In underdeveloped and developing countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Africa, etc., the unemployment rate is high. Thus, the giant of corruption breeds unemployment in a country.

Moreover, corruption causes a lack of accountability and transparency. These factors are essential for establishing the rule of law in a country. The culture of favoritism and nepotism causes a lack of accountability. How can a corrupt person be held accountable by a corrupt authority? Similarly, when there is no transparency, every person gets a chance to do whatever he wants and the situation becomes grim. Thus, corruption leads to a lack of accountability and transparency in society.

Another dark result of corruption is enhanced lawlessness in the country. In a society where the law is associated with money or political influences, nobody follows the law. Only the poor are held responsible while the rich get free by paying heavy bribes or through recommendations causing lawlessness in the country. The absence of law brings numerous other ills in the form of a gap between rich and poor, the rebellion of the poor class, increased crimes, etc. So, corruption brings with it the menace of lawlessness in society.

Furthermore, corruption is the contagion that gives rise to the crime rate in society. If a person indulges in some crime like robbery, killing, fraudulent activities, etc., and is not given punishment, he gets encouraged and considers it easy to commit a crime next time. In a corrupt society, criminals bribe the police and justice providers for saving themselves from punishment and the vicious circle of crimes continues. In different developing and under-developed countries like Pakistan, India, Africa, Bangladesh, Nepal, etc. there is a high crime rate. Hence, the contagion of corruption becomes the source of the increase in the crime rate.

Lastly, a country stained with so many social evils starts facing deteriorated economic growth and development. When all the institutions are corrupt, how can they work for the country sincerely and loyally thus many underdeveloped and developing countries are in such a state just because of their corrupt institutions and supremely due to their corrupt leadership. Pakistan and India are perfect examples of this as since their inception, they have been facing corruption and now their economies are deteriorating. Hence, corruption not only becomes a cause of social evils but also destroys a country economically.

The above section has elaborated in detail the complete picture of social evils caused by corruption in all respects and the coming section will discuss some pragmatic solutions to solve the corruption conundrum.

Pragmatic Solutions to Minimize Corruption

Given the dismal state of affairs, there is a stringent need to implement religious and ethical values, if the nation wants to get out of the clutches of the monster of corruption. Religious counseling must be given at all levels so that ethics and values have a strong hold on the characters and actions of the people. Educational reforms based on morality must be given a place in the social system.

Secondly, nepotism and favoritism must be eradicated by grooming and nurturing a culture of accountability based on the trickledown effect that runs from top to bottom. In every official step, there must be transparency and there must be a proper check and balance so that if there is some mishap at one level, it may be ruled out at the next level resulting in transparent affairs.

Thirdly, the rule of law can only bring in meritocracy so that talented and high-caliber people must be employed at higher posts. Moreover, the laws must be made strict and their implementation must be ensured. One thing must be given preference that it is not the severity of punishment but the certainty of punishment that matters. Such practices put things in order and the right direction. Therefore, strict implementation of laws is the only way forward.

Lastly, there is a dire need for visionary leadership that is honest and loyal to the fate of the country. Only a loyal leader can make such policies to eradicate corruption in all sectors. Institutions work under the leaders and the same is the case for the state. Finally, the state leader must work with lawmakers in the parliament to make stringent efforts and evolve practicable strategies to eradicate the mushrooming menace.


In conclusion, corruption is a social curse that must be ditched. It is a plague for a country that becomes the cause of social evils and thus leads the country to the ditch of destruction. Meanwhile, the US President, Joe Biden, has described the grim ills of corruption as “Corruption is cancer: cancer that eats away at a citizen’s faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity; already-tight national budgets, crowding out important national investments. It wastes the talent of entire generations.

Moreover, it scares away investments and jobs”. To fight this monster, moral counseling mechanisms along with the rule of law must be implemented. It is time to get rid of this tsunami of corruption that undoubtedly has destroyed our social and economic fabric. Finally, enough of apathy and negligence, the need of the hour is to join hands at all fronts to ouster this curse.

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