Opening and Closing of Letters

Opening and Closing of Letters

This post includes an explanation of the ways of Opening and Closing Letters along with the introduction of formal and informal letters.

Let’s learn about Opening and Closing of Letters

Opening and Closing a Formal and Informal Letter

How to Write a Salutation of Formal Letter?

Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mr. Ali, Dear Ms. Aimen

How to Write a Salutation of an Informal Letter?

Dear Anum, Dear Mother, Dear Father, Dear Bestie, Dear Sister, Dear Brother

How to Write a Complimentary Close/Ending of a Formal Letter?

Yours Faithfully (If you don’t know the receiver)

Yours Sincerely (If you know the receiver)

How to Write a Complimentary Close/Ending of an Informal Letter?

Yours Sincerely

Sample Informal Letter

Write a letter to your friend to wish him his birthday.

139-B Rana Town

Lahore, Pakistan

21st June 2022

Dear Aleena,

I can’t believe that my best friend is going to be 30 years old tomorrow. Although you don’t look that young, still aging is here and now you are going to enter another phase of your life.

I want to say that you have been a great support in my life and you helped me out in every difficult time of my life. Without your continuous support, it was impossible for me to reach the place where I am today. Let’s not be so serious and talk about the birthday party that I am excited about. I wish you a happy birthday and all our friends have decided to arrange a party for your birthday. It is in Shazia’s home and I know that it is near your house so there is no need to travel much.

Another important point is that it is a themed birthday bash and as per the theme, everyone is wearing a red dress while the birthday person will wear a black dress. I am sending you a black dress along with this letter. I have attached the invitation card with the information about venue and time of the party.

Just wear the black dress and reach the venue at the given time. We will be waiting for your arrival and yes! Don’t worry as all the dishes decided for the party are according to your taste and preference. After all, I have been your friend for a long time and know you better.

Well! Fun apart! Many happy returns of the day! I hope you achieve all your dreams this year and your life fills with happiness.

Yours Lovingly,

Amina Tahir


Final Words

This post explains the words to open and close Formal and Informal Letters.

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