past indefinite tense

Present perfect tense or simple past tense

Present Perfect Tense or Simple Past Tense

This post gives a detailed description of the difference between present perfect tense or simple past tense. Present Perfect Tense:                                                    When we are thinking about the past and present together.    Past Simple Tense: When we are not thinking about the present Examples We have studied enough to pass the exam (the exam is still to come) My […]

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Past Indefinite Tense in Hindi

Past Indefinite Tense in Hindi

This post includes a detailed explanation of Past Indefinite Tense in Hindi along with past indefinite tense examples in Hindi.  भूतकाल अनिश्चित काल, जिसे साधारण भूतकाल के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, का उपयोग किसी समाप्त या पूर्ण क्रिया/कार्य को इंगित करने के लिए किया जाता है जो अतीत में किसी विशिष्ट समय पर

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