Verbs that start with Q

Verbs that Start with Q

A verb is a word that denotes an action or a state. Every verb has five forms: present form, past form, past participle form, present participle form, and third-person singular form. This post includes Verbs that Start with q. So, let’s begin:

Verbs that start with Q
Verbs that start with Q

A verb is an essential element in a sentence as without a verb, there can be no sentence. In this article, I have included the most commonly used verbs starting with q.

Verbs starting with Q
Verbs starting with Q

Examples of Action Verbs:

Run, walk, play, come, go, etc.

Examples of State Verbs:

Sleep, hear, see, own, possess, taste, etc.

State of Being Verbs and Action Verbs
State of Being Verbs and Action Verbs

Here is a list of 50 verbs that start with q:


Present Form

Past Form

Past Participle Form

Present Participle Form

3rd Person Singular Form

1 Qualify Qualified Qualified Qualifying Qualifies
2 Quantify Quantified Quantified Quantifying Quantifies
3 Quell Quelled Quelled Quelling Quells
4 Quench Quenched Quenched Quenching Quenches
5 Question Questioned Questioned Questioning Questions
6 Queue Queued Queued Queuing Queues
7 Quicken Quickened Quickened Quickening Quickens
8 Quieten Quietened Quietened Quietening Quietens
9 Quit Quit Quit Quitting Quits
10 Quiver Quivered Quivered Quivering Quivers
11 Quote Quoted Quoted Quoting Quotes
12 Quarrel Quarreled Quarreled Quarreling Quarrels
13 Quack Quacked Quacked Quacking Quacks
14 Quaver Quavered Quavered Quavering Quavers
15 Quibble Quibbled Quibbled Quibbling Quibbles
16 Quash Quashed Quashed Quashing Quashes
17 Quake Quaked Quaked Quaking Quakes
18 Quip Quipped Quipped Quipping Quips
19 Quirk Quirked Quirked Quirking Quirks
20 Quire Quired Quired Quiring Quires

Frequently Asked Questions on Verbs with q:

Q1: What is an action verb?

Ans: An action verb is a verb that shows a physical action or activity.

Q2: What is a state verb?

Ans: A verb that shows a state of being or a condition.

Q3: What are some verbs starting with the letter q?

Ans: These are as follows:

  1. Quip
  2. Quit
  3. Quell
  4. Quaver
  5. Quiver
  6. Quieten
  7. Quicken
  8. Qualify
  9. Quantify
  10. Quibble

Q5: What are some verbs end with ing?

Ans: Verbs end with ing are as follows:

  1. Quelling
  2. Quenching
  3. Quipping
  4. Quavering
  5. Quacking
  6. Quivering
  7. Qualifying
  8. Quantifying
  9. Quibbling
  10. Quashing

Q6: What are verbs with ing at the end?

Ans: The verbs that end with ing are known as present participles and their examples include quietening, quavering, quivering, and quoting.

Q7: Is is a verb?

Ans: Yes, is is a verb. It is called a linking verb or helping verb in English Grammar.

Q8: What are verbs with q?

Ans: Some verbs with q are: quash, quell, quote, qualify, and quiver.

Final Words:

This post gave a comprehensive list of verbs starting with ‘q’. It also provided the definitions and examples of actions and state verbs and mentioned some frequently asked questions related to the concept of verbs.

For more information about English grammar and for lectures on English language learning, you can watch videos on ESL Infinite’s YouTube channel.

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